31/03/16 13:22 Filed in:
PRESS RELEASE31/03/16 12:17 Filed in:
PRESS RELEASE30/03/16 11:53 Filed in:
A nice mention at the Washington Square Hotel site!
http://washingtonsquarehotel.com/auto-show-2/29/03/16 11:38 Filed in:
An interview with Tony by Jim Motavalli of CarTalk, at the 2016 New York Auto Show.
http://www.cartalk.com/blogs/jim-motavalli/chitty-chitty-bang-bang-lives-again28/03/16 18:42 Filed in:
At this year's New York International Auto Show, one concept car stands out amid the futuristic manifestations of the designer's art…
http://www.autoblog.com/2016/03/28/chitty-chitty-bang-bang-replica-ny-auto-show/#conversationRemember to check our photo pages for more pictures of Chitty at the show!!!
26/03/16 22:50 Filed in:
Update from Tony: “It’s a freakin’ Chitty frenzy here at the Auto Show!!!”
Check our photo pages for more pictures of Chitty at the show!!!
http://www.motortrend.com/news/hidden-treasures-2016-new-york-auto-show/25/03/16 14:49 Filed in:
NY’s Original
City Guide published a list of the “Ten Best Things to See at the 2016 NY Auto Show”. Check it out, and make plans to stop by and see
Chitty in the North Concourse of the Javits Center. See you there!
Check our photo pages for more pictures of Chitty at the show!!!
http://www.cityguideny.com/article/new-york-auto-show#.VvWH-mNZZVq21/03/16 12:22 Filed in:
March 25th thru April 3rd, Javits Center, New York City.For information and tickets:
http://www.autoshowny.com/events/chittychitty-bang-bang-replica/20/03/16 15:30 Filed in:
Tony’s car is on the road!Watch the ‘Barcroft Cars’ interview with Tony Garofalo on YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDXQhJE54x8
This is Tony Garofalo's hand built ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Car’ which took 5 years to complete. This superb documentary was filmed by News12 NY on Long Island, which aired on News 12 TV with commentary by Doug Geed. The Dick Van Dyke clown costume in this video is the ONlY one of its kind in the world. The costume is complete and was screen-worn in the movie ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’ by Dick Van Dyke, and is signed by Mr. Van Dyke himself. (Any other advertisement for hire of this costume online in the UK or USA by any other Memorabilia Collector Is false and unauthorized by Tony Garofalo.)
Watch the News12 NY TV interview with Tony on YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARIBoskHlUI&feature=youtu.be20/03/16 14:58 Filed in:
Lynbrook HERALD:
With a little help from his friendsTony Garofalo builds iconic Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Car