Coming January 27, 2019 to the Chocolate Expo at the Westfield Garden State Plaza on Route 17, Paramus, New Jersey… See the Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang Car LIVE and in person, with many attractions, vendors, and special guests including Adrain Hall (Jeremy) from the 1968 movie
Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang and Paris Themmen (Mike TV) from the 1971 film
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! I’ll be there with "Chitty" to meet and greet everyone at the autograph table! Meet Barbara Chinsky Cohen (shown in the above photo), our awesome Expo promoter along with Marvin Baum! See you there!!!
Update 01/30/19: See video of original child star Adrian Hall (who played Jeremy Potts in the 1968 movie
Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang) joining us at the 01/27/19 Chocolate Expo in Paramus, New Jersey, to sing the theme song with "Chitty Car" builder Tony Garofalo!
Click here to view video.
Information and ticket prices at:
www.thechocolateexpo.comRead the
North Jersey Record article at: